# MkSlides Created by [MartenBE](https://github.com/MartenBE) Hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/MartenBE/mkslides) and [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/mkslides/) Inspired by [MkDocs](https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs/) and [reveal-md](https://github.com/webpro/reveal-md) --- ## What does it do?
- Build static HTML slideshow files from Markdown files. - Turn a single Markdown file into a HTML slideshow. - Turn a directory with Markdown files into a collection of HTML slideshows. - Publish your slideshow(s) anywhere that static files can be served. - Locally, on a webserver, deploy through CI/CD with GitHub/GitLab (like this repo!), ... --- - Preview your site as you work, thanks to [python-livereload](https://pypi.org/project/livereload/). - Use custom favicons, CSS themes, templates, ... if desired. - Support for emojis 😄 🎉 🚀 ✨ thanks to [emoji](https://github.com/carpedm20/emoji/) - Depends heavily on integration/unit tests to prevent regressions. - And more! --- ## Usage - Input - Markdown **file** - or **directory** with multiple (nested) Markdown files - Output - Directory with static HTML slides - Includes an index.html page with links to each slideshow when the input was a directory - Can be used for - Local slides - Hosted slides on webserver - Slides generated automatically by CI/CD using Markdown files in GitHub/GitLab repo - That's exactly what is happening [here](https://github.com/MartenBE/mkslides/blob/main/.github/workflows/test-deploy.yml)! --- ## Customizable - Configuration in `mkslides.yml` - You can customize: - Index page: - Theme (local file or by public URL) - Favicon (local file or by public URL) - Title - Template for the output HTML page - Slides - Theme (local file, [Reveal.js theme](https://revealjs.com/themes/), or by public URL) - Highlight.js Theme (local file, [highlight.js theme](https://highlightjs.org/examples), or by public URL) - Favicon (local file or by public URL) - Title - Template for the output HTML page --- ## Example
--- ## Installation ```bash pip install mkslides ``` --- ## Commands - Generate the static HTML files: ```bash mkslides build [OPTIONS] FILENAME|PATH ``` - Or open a live preview while editing the markdown files: ```bash mkslides serve [OPTIONS] FILENAME|PATH ``` - In case you need help or want to know more: ```bash mkslides build -h mkslides serve -h ``` --- ## Full help for build ```text Usage: mkslides build [OPTIONS] FILENAME|PATH Build the MkDocs documentation. FILENAME|PATH is the path to the Markdown file, or the directory containing Markdown files. Options: -f, --config-file FILENAME Provide a specific MkSlides-Reveal config file. -d, --site-dir PATH The directory to output the result of the slides build. All files are removed from the site dir before building. -s, --strict Fail if a relative link cannot be resolved, otherwise just print a warning. -h, --help Show this message and exit. ``` --- ## Full help for serve ```text Usage: mkslides serve [OPTIONS] FILENAME|PATH Run the builtin development server. FILENAME|PATH is the path to the Markdown file, or the directory containing Markdown files. Options: -f, --config-file FILENAME Provide a specific MkSlides-Reveal config file. -s, --strict Fail if a relative link cannot be resolved, otherwise just print a warning. -a, --dev-addr
IP address and port to serve slides locally. -o, --open Open the website in a Web browser after the initial build finishes. -h, --help Show this message and exit. ``` --- ## Contributions - MkSlides is and always will be open source - [MIT license](https://github.com/MartenBE/mkslides/blob/main/LICENSE) - Contributions are very welcome! - Open an issue and/or PR - We only ask that you try real hard to include **tests**! - Almost everything is [tested automatically](https://github.com/MartenBE/mkslides/tree/main/tests) --- ## Examples - The [MkSlides repo](https://github.com/MartenBE/mkslides/) itself generates the slideshow you are currently watching. - https://github.com/HoGentTIN/hogent-markdown-slides: an example repo demonstrating all possibilities using Reveal.js with the custom [HOGENT](https://hogent.be/) theme, including ... - an example of the automatically generated index page - a [slideshow](https://hogenttin.github.io/hogent-markdown-slides/) with a lot of advanced examples such as [Mermaid.js](https://mermaid.js.org/) and [PlantUML](https://plantuml.com/) support, multicolumn slides, ... - an example of GitHub CI/CD pipelines ---